Appointments Anima, cancel appointments, sick notes and more...

How can we help you?

To cancel an appointment, please complete our Cancel an Appointment form.


Have you been invited to book a long term condition review, smear or blood test?

You can now book these appointments via the NHS App.

If you are unable to do this, please call the surgery and our team will book you in. We offer a ‘call back’ facility, so no need to sit and wait.

Something you’ve not seen us about before?

Complete the Anima form so we can ensure to provide you with an appointment with the most appropriate clinician.

If we are at capacity (Anima has closed) and your issue cannot wait until tomorrow, please call 111.

Need a follow up? Or need to book a routine appointment in advance?

Have you spoken to someone about this in the last 6 weeks and they asked you to follow up if it didn’t improve? If so, you don’t need to complete an Anima form, call the surgery and we can book you straight in.

If it has been longer than this or your symptoms have changed, please complete an Anima form with the details.

We can also book routine appointments in advance with a member of your Patient Health Team, for anything that is not acute/more urgent.

What happens if you Do Not Attend an appointment

Need a sick note?

Have you been unwell for less than 7 days? If so you are able to self-certificate.

More than 7 days and a new condition?

Please complete an Anima form and we will book an appointment to discuss this with the appropriate clinician.

Sick note extension?

Please complete our sick note extension form and we will contact you once this has been actioned.